A Letter to My Younger Self
Congratulations on finally reaching this moment! It only took literally your whole lifetime to arrive right where you needed to be. Getting here was an epic journey filled with crazy dreams, horrible heartache, lots of confusion, plus plot twists and turns like something out of a movie (well that escalated quickly). But don’t let that scare you. Trust me when I say it was one hell of a ride — and SO worth it!
I’ll leave out the messy details and avoid any spoilers, but here are the main points you need to take away from this rollercoaster ride.
· Just be you. Be funny, be weird, be a nerd, dance, sing, laugh until your cheeks hurt, and always be kind. Everyone else will have expectations of you, but that’s on them. You were made to elevate others, so don’t let anything hide that light.
· Don’t let your mistakes define you. Let’s face it, you’re going to fuck up. Repeatedly. And especially in relationships. Learn from each one, take something positive away from it, then move on. Carrying all that guilt and burden doesn’t make you stronger, it only weighs you down. So let that shit go (this one is harder than it sounds, but you can do it).
· You define what success looks like. Success is a very personal thing, contrary to what you’re told. For some it’s fortune and fame. For others, it’s the Normal Rockwell picture of a perfect life. But it’s YOUR life — you define what success is for you. Failure isn’t forever, it’s a temporary state (this too shall pass). Pick yourself up and keep trying.
· Always keep an open mind. Stagnation, routine, complacency — it’s our death sentence. Just remember an open mind is more than simple intellectual curiosity. It’s about keeping that excitement and desire for new experiences and that zest for all aspects of life. Why impose artificial barriers or limit yourself? That’s just dumb. How do you know you don’t like something unless you try it at least once (or 2–3 more times, for good measure). Learn to scuba dive, start hiking more, listen to country music, travel, or whatever….it’s all up to you.
· It’s ok to be afraid. Fear can lead you down into all kinds of scary rabbit holes. Overthinking and overanalyzing situations create decision paralysis: not sure what to do, so you do nothing. Acknowledge the fear, take a deep breath, and step off the edge. You’re more of a risk taker than you think. Push a little more every day. Oh, and this is super important: You never know what you might find when you just say “yes” to something you thought wasn’t really for you (hint, hint).
· There is always hope. I’ll be honest, there are going to be some dark times. I mean, REALLY DARK times. You’re going to reach what feels like the absolute lowest breaking point, but you are stronger than you think. The pain will heal, and nothing will keep you down long. You’ll come out of it more resilient and ready to take on the challenge of becoming who you’re supposed to be. Never give up — it does get better, I promise.
Ok, so now you’re wondering why this started with a congratulations. What’s so great about this moment? One day all of this will click, and you’ll realize why nothing ever worked out before. You’ll finally accept and embrace living an inspired life. You’ll find your “oh, hell yes!” And what once seemed impossible, will now feel like endless possibilities.
Welcome to where you’re supposed to be — it’s only the beginning.